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Vassiliev, Vitali Nikolaevich
61, Doctor of Biological Sciences (aerospace medicine), professor, a distinguished figure in neuroendocri-nology of Russia, author of more than 300 scientific publications, including articles, monographs, books, textbooks, manuals, patents, etc.. and a number of popular-science publications.

Welcome to the site of "Medicor International" OOD!

"MEDICOR INTERNATIONAL" is the general representative of "BIOCORRECTION", Tel Aviv - Israel, for advertising, coordinating and locating patients from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia and Romania for treatment at the "BIOCORRECTION" Medical Centre in Israel with professor Vassiliev's method.

Vasiliev's method of biocorrection
, which is used in the Biocorrection Medical Centre for treatment of incurable patients with neurological and menial pathology, is based on complete neurohormonal analyses based on the creation of Vasiliev's adrenogram as well as on the interpretation of special diagnostic and prognostic tests by Vassiliev.

For objectivization of the person, as far back as in 1968 we developed a universal method for establishing the state of health, with elements of long-term prognostication in 1970 we offered to call it "the adrenogram". The method was widely discussed in medical literature and in 1984 it was recommended for clinical practice by the USSR Ministry of Public health.

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