Vassiliev's adrenograms as a method for objectivization and prognosing of patients with different states and pathologies.
For objectivization of the person, as far back as in 1968 we developed a universal method for establishing the state of health, with elements of long-term prognostication in 1970 we offered to call it "the adrenogram". The method was widely discussed in medical literature and in 1984 it was recommended for clinical practice by the USSR Ministry of Public health. and was called "Vassiliev's adrenogram", which means a clinical test of excretion from urlm . neurohormones and neuromediators such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and their common precursor the amino-acid DOPA in the aspect of the circadian rhythm with clinical prognostic and diagnostic tests with L-DOPA, which reveals the intimate mechanisms . deflection of the functioning of central and peripheral nervous system and the possibility for their correction.
The adrenogram is presented graphically by marking on the abscissa the time intervals
8-12 a.m. - morning,
12-16 p.m. - afternoon,
16-22 p.m. - evening,
22 p.m. - 8 a.m. - night
and on the ordinate - the values (mg / min) of adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and DOPA, and a comparison with data for healthy subjects of the same age and sex (the norm), also presented as a graph. Beneath, the interpretation of the data is given.
The method is compatible with generally accepted researches (electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG, LMG etc.) and even exceeds them in the depth of information and the possibility for strictly personalized doses of the necessary preparations in the aspect of chronotherapy and chronopharmacology, on the principle "the key to the castle". These are Vassiliev's preparations N:1 and N:2 which underlie the biocorrection method.
The phenomenon "dopamine abnormality" in the body has been known to science for a longtime now. Dopamine is the substance which our own organism has chosen to transmit the signals along the neural tracts. DA often causes an effect resembling bad radio signal one hears separate words and sounds, but the meaning is lost. In very much the same way, the human brain and the other organs fail to understand the signals which arise, change and are transmitted (or are not correctly transmitted) in the body. As a result there is a deflection of the whole system of control, functioning and development, which cause two interrelated groups of conditions: deflection of the motor system and mental retardation.
The organism produces dopamine from an amino acid which is called L-DOPA. In the cases of DA, the patients are administered L-DOPA, very much like diabetics arc given insulin. in the hope that the organism might just start dopamine from L-DOPA. In most cases these experiments fail although there are some largely used I..-DOPA preparations, NAKOM) for instance, manufactured by a leading American company.
But, as Professor Vassiliev managed to find out, the effect from the dopamine creating preparations is based on the strict personalization of the need of the concrete organism and the amount of the administered preparation. That is exactly where the analogy with the "key to the castle" is especially well-matched. Moreover, each organism is in its own, concrete state of dopamine deficit.
Vassiliev's method is based on three main components: exact personalization of the amount of dopamine deficit, an analytical complex and a technology for bringing the preparation to the treatment zone.
Thousands of scientists all over the world are engaged in research on the treatment of neural and mental diseases, but so far it is only Professor Vassiliev who can treat them successfully.
Anatoliy Rudenko, Professor, Mead of the Chair in Neurology at the Kiev Medical Academy for postgraduate qualification, says:
"The research and discoveries of professor Vassiliev are of extreme importance not only for neurology. They contribute greatly to neural surgery, endocrinology and pediatrics. This is my second time at the centre and I am most impressed by what I have seen - patients who have been bedridden for many years, are now capable of taking care of themselves and leading almost a completely normal life. I believe that neurology, psychiatry and endocrinology will lake an interest in the method of biocorrection. I know that main of our colleagues are unaware of it or cannot accept it outright but 1 am convinced that the future belongs to this method."